DYFI Fundraising Events

Pinstriping Charity Auction at the 500 World of Wheels Car Show: March 28-30, 2025

Each February, over 20 pinstripers come together from all over Indiana and surrounding states to create custom artwork that is auctioned off at the 500 World of Wheels Car Show. They pinstripe anything from panels to guitars to barrels to bowling pins. If it has a smooth surface, they can paint it! You can bring an item to be striped or you can bid on a one of a kind piece during one of the five live auctions.

For more information, click here!

Gong Show: May 2026, Date TBD

Join us at Primo Banquet Hall for a recreation of the Gong Show with dinner and a silent auction.

Contact Jenna White at DYFjenna@gmail.com for tickets.

Chili Cook Off: October 11, 2025

Think you have the best chili recipe? Prove it! With this annual chili cook off, not only do you get to taste delicious chili recipes, but the winners take home cash and prizes! Each entry helps fund valuable camperships for kids to have the opportunity to come to camp. The End Zone- Layfayette, IN


Hickory Hall Polo Club Polo at Sunset: August 1, 2025

Grab your picnic basket, cooler, and friends for this laid back, family event! Enjoy a polo match, fly-over candy drop, and other activites to raise money for DYFI.

Gates open at 5pm, Match at 6pm

Tailgate spots are $40/car and first come first serve.

Pre-sale VIP sponsorship spaces are available!

Event Details


Annual Gala & Silent Auction: November 8, 2025

Looking for an exciting night out in beautiful downtown Indy? Our annual gala brings people together from all over the city and state to celebrate the year, the kids and families we serve, and the people who have made it possible. It is a night of entertainment, delicious food, and fun!

Visit https://dyfigala.cbo.io to purchase tickets or bid in the online silent auction!


Upcoming Outreach Events

Throughout the year, the DYFI works with other organizations and groups in the community to provide various outreach events. Check here for various upcoming free events to the public!